SAS Code - Income Shifting Measure (Klassen & Laplante 2012 JAR)
SAS code that generates the variables (in 5-year averages) needed to run an income shifting test based on Klassen and Laplante (2012). Subscription to WRDS is required.Output File Name
IncomeShift.sas7bdatMain Output Variables
GVKEY CIK FIC SIC Datadate Fyear AvgFTR(Tax Incentive) AvgROS(Average Worldwide Return) AvgFROS(Average Foreign Return) AvgDROS(Average Domestic Return) AvgFsale(Average Foreign Sales) AvgDsale(Average Domestic Sales) Avgrd_sale(Average R&D) avgads_sale(Average Advertising Expense) avgintan_sale(Average Intagible Asset) avgcash_at(Average Cash) avgdebt_at(Average Debt) avgsize(Average Asset in logs)Comments
Best practices from prior literature:- Exclude obs where FIC is not USA.
- Remove utilities and financial institutions.
- Constrain fiscal years to 1997 - 2017 (i.e., pre-TCJA).
- Include firm-level controls in regressions (included in output file).
Please email me if you spot any errors or have suggestions - much obliged!